Thursday, December 23, 2010

Simply Starbucks! ♥

Sometimes there are things which don't happen the way I wanted, made me feeling a bit down lately. Instead of tossing and turning but unable to doze off, I got out of my room and went for a drink with my buddy @ my beloved [Starbucks] at Time Square, even though it's kinda late. I've ordered the same drink as usual. ~ Grande Caramel Frappuccino - lightly whipped. This time with a Tiramitsu as well.  
Hurray! :) The smell of the coffee certainly would spice up my mood a little...

Actually, The main reason for being here is i wanted to get the chop to be completed in order to get the Starbuck's organizer. ;) Oh great! Just a few more to go.

How i wish he would get me this thingy...

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