Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bye Bye X'mas, Welcome a New Year!

Went to a pub called Fun bar (i think so) A not-so known pub located at the suburb in Bk Jalil.
A friend of friend come open up the place to allow us in on sharp midnight. :)
Haha, that's why it's fun as we are the only guest taken up the whole place! Hurray!

Anyway, fellas! Thanks for an awesome nite out!

Posing tak habis-habis :)
Happy Faces :)
Bunch of drinking guys :)
Sweeet Couple!
Friend who took this from a glass is too bored i think. :D
Creatively taken by a friend using my cheapo camera

X'mas celebration finished with joy (and headache! (alchohol punya pasal :p)) It's boxing day. To those with gifts, go open up your presents, sees which the most lousiest you've got ok? LOL

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